Your Natal Chart is a map of the heavens, as they appeared at the exact date, time and place you were born. It is your unique cosmic-spiritual blueprint, for although there will be some people who have a similar Natal Chart to you, how the astrological forces impact their lives will not necessarily affect yours in the same way. The Natal Chart indicates what particular energies will focus strongly in our lives but we all have free will and are born into different environments, exposed to varying circumstances & parental/peer-group influences - all of which are factors that contribute to how we evolve as distinct individuals. Each person will play out their Natal Chart in their own individual way.
Astrology is the most comprehensive way to uncover who you really are and who you're meant to become; it is a natural companion to psychology. If psychology is defined as the study of the soul, then Astrology is the study of the soul through the language of the stars. Deep inside your Natal Chart lies the secret code that will unlock your psyche and all of its potential. A thorough analysis of your chart will help you understand not only your talents, but also your shortcomings. We all have them. Those not-so-nice qualities that tend to emerge when we're stressed out, anxious or trying to avoid something. Astrology can help you pinpoint your Achilles heel, as well as your glory. What's more, studying your birth chart can help you transcend your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.
Astrology is the most comprehensive way to uncover who you really are and who you're meant to become; it is a natural companion to psychology. If psychology is defined as the study of the soul, then Astrology is the study of the soul through the language of the stars. Deep inside your Natal Chart lies the secret code that will unlock your psyche and all of its potential. A thorough analysis of your chart will help you understand not only your talents, but also your shortcomings. We all have them. Those not-so-nice qualities that tend to emerge when we're stressed out, anxious or trying to avoid something. Astrology can help you pinpoint your Achilles heel, as well as your glory. What's more, studying your birth chart can help you transcend your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.